SUN Type5 keyboard USB converter
[Japanese page is here]

What is this?
This is an interface converter to use the SPARC Station's old keyboard as USB keyboard.
I use AVR-USB to implement this converter. thank you!

This type of keyboard are habitue in the dump site today. It has a lot of keys without meaning(it's so cool!). You should pick it up from dump site if you don't have it yet. :-)

Firmware can download from here.

You can use SUN keyboard as a typical USB keyboard. Device driver is unnecessary. Volume keys also effective(I confirmed it on Ubuntu Linux. but Windows driver might not recognize it.). Some of the SUN special keys is mapped to the Windows key.

Above photo is an example of a Japanese keyboard, if you use an English keyboard, it's available if you comment out "#define JAPANESE_KEYBOARD" at "main.c".

A complete list of the SUN keycode and USB Usage ID mappings are below of this document.

How to use of Key Macro.
Key macro can be recorded to 4 banks. The number of keystrokes that can be memorized to each bank is up to 63 Up/Down strokes. The left of keyboard is allocated like shown below.

When you want to start the keystroke logging press "HELP" key.
To keep a record, press one of the "Save#1 .. #4" key.
If you want to reproduce recorded strokes press one of the "Run#1 .. #4" key.
Keystrokes doesn't disappear even if it turns off power if it save once because the keystroke is keep in EEPROM

When the number of record characters exceeds it to the limitation (63 strokes) without saving it after the record starts (HELP key pressing), the record operation is canceled automatically. When cancel occurs short beep sound inform you from the keyboard.
Of course, this can record modifier key.

Using this firmware
Attached hex is bilded for ATMega168. Please remember that write the .eep file. I think that this can be run with only rebuilding on ATMega48/88, because program memory consumption is only 3KB and EEPROM consumption is 256B.

Example implementation

very simple!

Connectors in the upper-right corner is not needed. it's only for debugging.
Mini DIN 8 connector pin-assignment is 1: GND, 2: GND, 3: +5 V, 4: mouse signal, 5: RxD, 6: TxD, 7: GND, 8: +5V.

SUN Type5 Keyboard Keycode list and USB Usage ID mappings

Japanese Mapping Note SUN
(N/A)   00h          
Stop   01h - - 120(*1)    
Volume Down   02h 129 129      
Again   03h - - 121(*1)    
Volume Up   04h 128 128      
F1   05h 58 58      
F2   06h 59 59      
F10   07h 67 67      
F3   08h 60 60      
F11   09h 68 68      
F4   0Ah 61 61      
F12   0Bh 69 69      
F5   0Ch 62 62      
Alt Graph KANA 0Dh 230 136 assign to "KATAKANA/HIRAGANA".
(International 2)
10h 10h
F6   0Eh 63 63      
(N/A)   0Fh          
F7   10h 64 64      
F8   11h 65 65      
F9   12h 66 66      
Alt   13h 226 226      
UP Arrow   14h 82 82      
Pause   15h 72 72      
Print Screen   16h 70 70      
Scroll Lock   17h 71 71   03h 03h
Left Arrow   18h 80 80      
Props   19h - - (*2)    
Undo   1Ah - - 122(*1)    
Down Arrow   1Bh 81 81      
Right Arrow   1Ch 79 79      
ESC   1Dh 41 41      
1 !   1Eh 30 30      
2 @ 2 " 1Fh 31 31      
3 #   20h 32 32      
4 $   21h 33 33      
5%   22h 34 34      
6 ^ 6 & 23h 35 35      
7 & 7 ' 24h 36 36      
8 * 8 ( 25h 37 37      
9 ( 9 ) 26h 38 38      
0 ) 0 27h 39 39      
- _ - = 28h 45 45      
= + ^ ~ 29h 46 46 It's NOT 53 in Japanese Keyboard.    
` ~ (YEN) | 2Ah 53 137 It's NOT 49 in Japanese Keyboard
(International 3)
Back Space   2Bh 42 42      
Insert   2Ch 73 73      
Mute   2Dh 127 127      
/ (10key)   2Eh 84 84      
* (10key)   2Fh 85 85      
(POWER)   30h - - 102(*1)    
Front   31h - - (*2)    
. (10key)   32h 99 99      
Copy   33h - - 124(*1)    
Home   34h 74 74      
Tab   35h 43 43      
Q   36h 20 20      
W   37h 26 26      
E   38h 8 8      
R   39h 21 21      
T   3Ah 23 23      
Y   3Bh 28 28      
U   3Ch 24 24      
I   3Dh 12 12      
O   3Eh 18 18      
P   3Fh 19 19      
[ { @ ` 40h 47 47 (*3)    
] } [ { 41h 48 48 (*3)    
Del   42h 76 76      
Compose   43h 101 101 assign to "Application" key. 02h 04h
7 (10key)   44h 95 95      
8 (10key)   45h 96 96      
9 (10key)   46h 97 97      
- (10key)   47h 86 86      
Open   48h - - (*2)    
Paste   49h - - 125(*1)    
End   4Ah 77 77      
(N/A)   4Bh          
Ctrl   4Ch 224 224      
A   4Dh 4 4      
S   4Eh 22 22      
D   4Fh 7 7      
F   50h 9 9      
G   51h 10 10      
H   52h 11 11      
J   53h 13 13      
K   54h 14 14      
L   55h 15 15      
; : ; + 56h 51 51 (*3)    
` : * 57h 52 52 (*3)    
\ | ] } 58h 49 50 It's NOT 48 in Japanese Keyboard.    
Return   59h 40 40      
Enter (10key)   5Ah 88 88      
4 (10key)   5Bh 92 92      
5 (10key)   5Ch 93 93      
6 (10key)   5Dh 94 94      
0 (10key)   5Eh 98 98      
Find   5Fh - - 126(*1)    
Page Up   60h 75 75      
Cut   61h - - 123(*1)    
Num Lock   62h 83 83   01h 01h
Left Shift   63h 225 225      
Z   64h 29 29      
X   65h 27 27      
C   66h 6 6      
V   67h 25 25      
B   68h 5 5      
N   69h 17 17      
M   6Ah 16 16      
, <   6Bh 54 54      
. >   6Ch 55 55      
/ ?   6Dh 56 56      
Right Shift   6Eh 229 229      
(Line Feed) \ _ 6Fh - 135 International 1    
1 (10key)   70h 89 89      
2 (10key)   71h 90 90      
3 (10key)   72h 91 91      
(N/A) KAKUTEI 73h - 139 assign to "MUHENKAN"
(International 5)
(N/A) HENKAN 74h - 138 International 4    
(N/A) Japanese
Not LANG 5!
Help   76h - - 117(*1)    
Caps Lock   77h 57 57   04h 02h
Left Meta   78h 227 227 Left Windows    
Space   79h 44 44      
Right Meta   7Ah 231 231 Right Windows    
Page Down   7Bh 78 78      
(N/A)   7Ch          
+ (10key)   7Dh 87 87      
(N/A)   7Eh          
    7Fh     Idle state, all Keys UP.    
(*1)These are defined as noted by "HID Usage Table v.1.12", but useless in windows environment.
(*2)These are not defined in "HID Usage Table".
(*3)very confusing !

any problem or question?
please contact hogeman at gmail or My Diary(Japanese). I can read English a little.

2009-01-25. IIDA Tetsushi.